Eyes Eyes Eyes

There are various important organ in our human architecture, one of them is our EYES. Its proved that two-thirds of information stored in the brain has been conveyed through vision as opposed to other senses like smell, taste and hearing. We just can't imagine how suffering our life can be if we lose this organ. We just see the world with our eyes. Most of the perception comes from vision. So, we must give attention to our eyes especially in this era when majority of people are engaged in computers or simple computer screen.

 If we spend more than a few hours in computer, we may suffer from computer vision syndrome and yes its been given a technical label. Commonly the symptoms are eye strain, eye fatigue, dry eyes, blur vision, eyes burning, insensitivity to light, headaches etc. All these problems can lead from insufficient tear flow to the eyes, too much glare and reflection from the monitor. When looking at a computer screen you tend to blink 2 to 3 times less than normal , which causes your eyes to rebel. Using lubricating eye drops or tear replacements (Genteal, Moisol) can provide relief.

This is the condition of eyes in which the cornea is not sufficiently moistened, it is not easily diagnosed. Contact lens wearers, excessive computer users, post menopausal women and people with arthritis are sufferers. There is no exactly known care for this, but one can alleviate it with artificial tear drops. But one can prevent this condition by drinking plenty of water or fluids, avoid drafts from radiators and air conditioners, protect eyes from windy, dust,dirt environment.

This is described as the chronic inflammation of the oil glands of the eyelids. Its painless lumps sits close to the eyelid margin, usually in the upper lid. To remove this, hot compresses is useful or need to visit ophthalmologist for quick procedure.


This condition in eye is an inflammation of the thin transparent mucous membranes that cover the whites of the eye and doubles back to line the eyelids. Conjunctivitis are of two types--allergic and infectious, which can be bacterial or viral (pink eye)- both causes eyes to water, itch, feel gritty, swell and emit watery discharge. Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by cosmetics, dust, dirt, smoke, strong shampoo, contact lens and can be treated with simple anti allergy drops ( like Andre eye drops) while bacterial conjunctivitis responds remarkably to antibiotics ointment or drops such as soframycin or gentamycin. To prevent this, the major action is to always keep the eyes clean, don't expose to direct dust and dirty environment . If you use contact lens, make sure its cleaned and do not use too much eye cosmetics which can cause infection.

                                 TIPS FOR SAVING SIGHT
- Blink regularly, to cleanse and lubricate your eyes. The frequency should be 5-6 times every hour, without frowning, or using facial or forehead muscles.
- Keep changing your focus often, do not gaze continuously on the computer or TV screen or book.
- Make sure you have an anti-reflective coating on your lenses which helps cut down glare and improve your ability to see at night.
- Splash and clean your eyes with cold water regularly before work and after work.
- Do not rub eyes instead use soft cloth.
- Nourish your eyes with natural sunlight, Face the early morning sun with close eyes for five seconds. Then cover them with your palms for 5 more seconds. Repeat this procedure 10-15 times. Short periods of light and dark stimulates the muscles (ciliary muscle), relaxes the visual system and reduces the sensitivity to glare and light. Breathing deeply while doing this is a plus point.
- Protect eyes against lethal ultraviolet rays by using sunglasses which gives 100% protection.

                                     SIGHT ENHANCING FOODS
Foods which are the source of Lutein and Xeanthin  protects against Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), by forming the macula, which sharpens the visual images. Leafy vegetables and egg yolks are rich in lutein and xeanthin. All you need is a teaspoonful with a smidgeon of fat to up your blood lutein by nearly 90%.
Carrots contain carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A by the liver. As we all know how much important and necessary, vitamin A is for our eyes. Vitamin A protects the eye by helping to absorb the light energy that passes into it. Increased levels allow your eyes to absorb more energy and help you to see more efficiently, specially in the dark which is also another reason it bypass night blindness. Good sources, besides carrots, are mangoes, cabbage, cod liver oil, fish (esp. salmon having omega 3 fatty acid), milk and eggs. Blue and purple berries contain a group of compounds called anthocynosides, which attach themselves straight to the rods of the retina, that are responsible for adjusting the eye to see in the dark.

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