Medical Tests For Different Proposes

                                                Medical Tests for different purposes
Generally we do have thinking or attitude that until we wont get ill severely, we are not willing to do routinly check up. But, its necessary in this era. This era is the era of being as much busy. So, this busy schedule has changed the way we live. Stressful lifestyle is another cause for various mental as well as psychosomatic ailments. Whatever be the thing, there is nothing important for us than our health thats why my blog's title is "HEALTH IS WEALTH". Therefore, in this post i have researched and post some basic routine checkup for particular individual. They are mentioned below:

For General Health Check up--->
--Fasting and PP blood sugar (Diabetes)
--Urea, Cretinine, Na,K (for kidney) Calcium, Po4 and uric acid (bone/joints)
--Lipid profile (for heart/blood pressure) SGOT, SGPT (for Liver)
CBC (TC, DC, HB, RBC, PCV, PLT) Urine Re.

For Vegetarians--->
--Vitamin B12 test

For overweight and clinical obese patients--->
--TFT (Thyroid Function Test), ATPO, Cortisol

For man over 40 years of age--->
--Total PSA

For pale and anemic--->
--CBC with MCV, MCH, MCHC, Retic Count, Bilirubin, Serum, TIBC, Feritin, B12

For Diabetes--->
--HbAc, C-peptide, Fastin and PP blood glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Lipid Profile, Urine Routine, acetone, microalbumin.

For Jaundice-->
--Liver Funtion Test (SCOT,SGPT, ALP, Protein, Albumin, Bilirubin)

For Kidney Problems--->
--Urea, Creatine, Na, K, Ca, Po4, FBS, PPS, Hb, Iron, TIBC, Ferit Urine Routine, microalbumin and spot protein/creatinine ratio.

Cancer Marker--->
--PSA for prostrate, AFP for Liver, CEA for intestine, Ca 125 for Ovary.
** Do these basic medical tests so, we can be prevented from any illness before it attacks us as there is one very popular quote "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE".


Depression is the mental illness where a person is not able to concentrate in his/her daily activities. When the concentration of this illness keeps increasing, the patient can arise tendencies of suicide and sees no worth for his/her life.Depression can affect anyone, of any culture, age or background. About twice as many women as men seek help for depression, though this may reflect the greater readiness of women to discuss their problems.One thing that may make it hard for doctors to recognise depression is that people with depression often complain of physical problems, commonly headaches, lethargy, stomach upsets or joint pains, rather than low mood, sometimes because these can be significant symptoms, but sometimes because they find it difficult to admit to feeling emotionally distressed for reasons they may not even be able to identify. But this can be psychosomatic.

Signs and Symptoms-
Those who suffer from signs of depression and related disorders may know the warning signs symptoms of depression all too well. They also know that these disorders tend to manifest themselves as repeated episodes of the depressive condition with the typical patient having many distinct episodes during their lives.Signs and Symptoms vary accordingly with individuals but the most common among patients sufferring from depression are as follows:

1. Difficulty sleeping or other disruptions of sleep patterns

2. Overwhelming feelings of anxiety and/or sorrow at inappropriate times
3. Loss of interest in pastimes formerly enjoyed
4. A sensation of hopelessness, lack of self esteem and feelings of guilt
5. Fatigue and overall lower energy levels
6. Loss of appetite or abnormally large appetite, leading to weight loss or gain
7. Suicidal thoughts and recurring thoughts about death
8. Irritability, restlessness and short temper
9. Memory lapses and an inability to concentrate
10. Difficulty in maintaining close or romantic relationships

Depression signs can derail careers and relationships, cause school work to go downhill and lower quality of life. The feelings of despair, sadness and frustration can make it impossible to function normally and relate to others. In many cases, depression goes undiagnosed due to the stigma borne by mental illness or failure of medical professionals to correctly diagnose or treat the problem.

As like the signs and symptoms do vary according to individuals so as the causes. But most frequently, the environment where the person grows or spends his/her childhood plays major role. We learn to live from where we spend our childhood. The base of what we are now, is our childhood and the surroundings and environment around us. So, if a person has experienced negative environment in growing phase, this can be the good cause for him/her to be sufferred from depression. Technically, a chemical imbalance in brain due to these reasons is the cause. But the major risk factors for depression are;


Though major depression typically occurs in people between the ages of 25 and 50, those over the age of 65 are particularly vulnerable for various reasons.

Women are about as twice as likely as men in the United States to be diagnosed and treated for depression. About 20-25% of women and 12% of men will experience a serious bout of depression at least one time in their lifetimes. Among children, depression seems to happen in equal numbers of boys and girls. Then, as the sexes reach adolescence, girls tend to become more depressed than boys do. This gender imbalance with major depression continues into older age.
Women are both historically more likely to seek treatment for depression and negative feelings that may be occurring, such as feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness, though even more recent stats show an increasing number of men seeking self improvement therapy sessions.

Marital Status
People who are unhappily married, separated or divorced have high rates of major depression. The rates of major depression are considerably lower for those who are happily married.

Risk factors do not ensure that someone will develop a depressive episode, and everyone has the susceptibility of developing depression from time to time. Risk factors are just a way of saying that of those that had the worst depression symptoms the listed features were present as well.

Depression treatment usually targets tthe particular chemical imbalance and tries to correct it. However, doctors realize that depression treatment can often have side effects as the medication is strong. A study in Canada found that the bones of patients undergoing depression treatment were less dense than others, leading to brittle bones.

-Natural foods in the Treatment of Depression -
Cardamom and asparagus are two natural foods that are used in depression treatment. Other foods known to be beneficial in the treatment of depression include lemon balm, cashew nut and rose petals. It is also recommended that drinking a lot of water - at least eight glasses a day - and cutting down on (or preferably cutting out) red meats can support the treatment of depression. “Cooling foods,” such as many citrus fruits and most vegetables, are also thought to be useful in the treatment of depression because they bring down acidity levels in the body and so keep the mind calm.

-Supplements and Vitamins for the Treatment of Depression -
Vitamin B has been shown in trials to be very beneficial in the treatment of depression. It tends to increase serotonin, a hormone known to improve mood, levels in the brain. Omega 3 is also very beneficial in depression treatment as it keeps the spirits high. It must be remembered that certain situations can hinder the effective absorption of vitamins and minerals into the body; for example, vitamin absorption decreases with age. Always consult your physician or health professional for tips on optimizing supplement absorption in the treatment of depression.

-Holistic Treatment for Depression -
Depression treatment should also include breathing exercises, workouts and relaxation exercises. Deep breathing has proved to be useful, as has meditation. Other alternative treatments include aromatherapy, massages, reflexology and acupuncture. Depression treatment has to take a holistic view so that all the visible symptoms of can be addressed.

Therefore a combination of conventional medicine, alternative treatment, and good nutrition are recommended for the effective treatment of depression.


                                                                         MEDICAL TEST
Medical tests are no fun, so why take them twice? Avoid skewed results to ensure your numbers are accurate.

Test 1:
What it does:
       Helps monitor your risk of cardiac diseases, stroke and hypertension as well as other ailments.
What throws it off:
       Anxiety can spike systolic blood pressure by 5 points and diastolic by 3.5 points
The Fix:
       Pee to reduce blood pressure. Take deep breaths; it drops systolic blood pressure by an average of 6.4 points and diastolic by 2.3 points

Test 2:
What it does:
      Measures your heart fitness and identifies signs of possible heart disease.
What throws it off:
      Any interference between skin and electrode (that's why your chest hair is shaved.)
The Fix:
     Clean yourself clearly. Skip body lotion or powder--they weaken an electrode's read on your heart's electrical signals. You'll need a shower afterward anyway.

Test 3:
What it does:
      Estimates your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
What throws it off:
      Food and any rink other than water. Coffee during the 12-hr fast may be okay.
The Fix:
      Drink black coffee: Sugar or milk can alter triglyceride levels which throws off the test. Intense exercise has the same effect.

Test 4:
What it does:
     Checks for colon cancer and other bowel problems.
What throws it off:
     The pretest laxative doesn't always work.
The Fix:
     Walk; Some 41% of patients who walk have a good chance of a clean bowel, compared with 25% who don't, a Korean study shows.

*So these tests are really very important and we must do these medical tests often as possible*


                          STRESS IN SMALL AGE--SEED OF HEART DISEASE

If you of young age and always stressful and taking tension then, try to get rid of this habit from right now. Children or youths who keep themselves busy in having stress or strain can be a good cause for them to be suffered from heart disease in adult age. A latest research done in Georgia medical College in US, found that stress in young age increases the sensitivity to special kind of hormone which is responsible for hypertension and can leads to heart problems.
If a teen ager seems quite and stressed esp. in adolescence or puberty then its even critical because this phase of life is termed to be the most delicate stage of human. To know this fact, scientists studied on the basis of chronic behavioral stress model.
In this study, they kept the baby mouse separated with its mother 3 hours everyday for 2 weeks. Doing this, there was no proper indicative symptoms like increased blood pressure, increased heart beat, swelling of arteries seen at that instance. But, as they becomes adult, these problems were seen due to special hormone "angiotesine-2".
So, to get rid of this, the only solution is to leave stressful living and make mind to live relaxed. There are various relaxation and stress removing techniques. Auto-sugestion, Breathing exercises, Meditation are some of them but i recommend Autogenics which not only release stress but also makes a person to control his body as a whole. Apart from this regular exercises, balanced diet and healthy living can reduce stress too, the choice is yours.

Brain Tumor

                                         Brain Tumor
Brain is the only integral part of our body by which we are in this state. It is the only organ which can't be transplanted hitherto instead other organs like heart,kidney,eyes can be. It is by this organ which differs us from other living things and give us potential to control them.
Instead of its limitless gift to human kind, it itself is also not secure. It can be attacked by many ailments. When we are being attacked by physical illness, there wont be too much effect in brain but if its being attacked, our physics also gets effected.

The brain is a soft, spongy mass of tissue. It is protected by the bones of the skull and three thin membranes called meninges. Watery fluid called cerebrospinal fluid cushions the brain. Human brain controls the central nervous system (CNS), by way of the cranial nerves and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and regulates virtually all human activity. A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain. Brain tumors produce a variety of symptoms, ranging from headache to stroke. There are two types of brain tumors: primary brain tumors and secondary brains tumors. Primary brain tumors can be cancerous or noncancerous. Primary brain tumors include any tumor that starts in the brain.
Symptoms of brain tumor vary according to where its located or originated. Some basic symptoms will be described as follows-

Frontal lobe – Tumors in the Frontal lobe can cause the following: changes in personality or intellect, lack of co-ordination especially in walking, some weakness usually in one side of the body, some speech difficulties.
Parietal lobe – Tumors in the Parietal lobe can cause the following: difficulty in understanding words reading and writing, problems with movements especially co-ordination of movements, disorientation 
numbers and calculations, weakness on one side of the body.
Occipital lobe - Tumors in the Occipital lobe can cause the following: vision impairment especially on one side.
Temporal lobe - Tumors in the Temporal lobe can cause the following: Fits, strange feelings like fear or familiarity like dé jà vu, unusual smells, blackouts, difficulties with speech, memory problems.
Cerebellum - Tumors in the Cerebellum can cause the following: Co-ordination affecting walking and speech, unsteadiness, involuntary movement of the eyes - flickering, vomiting and nausea, neck stiffness.
Brain stem - Tumors in the Brain Stem can cause the following: Unsteadiness usually unstable walking, Facial weakness can be one-sided smile or eyelid that droops, vision issues usually double vision, speaking and swallowing difficulties.

The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown but there are many possible risk factors that could play a role. Exposure to some types of radiation, head injuries, and hormone replacement therapy may be risk factors, as well as many others. Secondary brain cancer occurs in 20–30% of patients with metastatic disease and incidence increases with age.Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the treatment methodologies

Prevention and Cure:
1. Anti-convulsive such as phenytoin to reduce seizures.

2. Surgery is the usual treatment for most brain tumors. 

3. Support groups are beneficial in brain tumor. 

4. Radiation therapy usually is given five days a week for several weeks.

5. Corticosteroids such as dexamethasone to reduce brain swelling 

6. Osmotic diuretics such as urea or mannitol to reduce brain swelling and pressure.

Apart of this medications, the patient must be emotionally supported. 

Brain Tumor Treatment Centres:

In the US, about 180,000 women develop it each year.The disease can also occur in men, although cancer of the male breast accounts for less than 1 in 100 cases. The risk of it increases with age, doubling every 10 years.
The disease is most commonly diagnosed in women over age 50. Very few women under age 30 develop it. Despite the rise in incidence, there has been a small drop in the number of deaths in the recent years and only about one-fifth of cases prove fatal. This reduction is due to improvements in treatment and the increased use of mammography for screening, which means that tumors can be detected early, when they often respond well to treatment. For brain Tumor Treatment Centers please visit here


                                                             GET RID OF PAIN

Pain is that emotion which all of us had experienced and will experience and this is inevitable truth of our life. It can affect everything  from mood to quality of life. We just can't reject it but can control and reduce its concentration at home with or without having pain killers. In this post i am going to give tips from top medical experts, you can learn to control pain instead of being slave to it and get rid of it.

1) Scorched Mouth (pizza burn)

What is it- The tissue in the roof of mouth is very thing, so it's sensitive and prone to painful burns when very hot foot meets the palate.
Stop it- Place an ice-cube; you're numbing the area and reducing swelling. An oral-use topical anesthetic helps, too.
No improvement- After eating, rinse with a solution of 1/8 teaspoon of salt in 250ml of warm water. The salt will help disinfect your mouth. But don't swallow.
Prevent it- Be careful with foods from microwave. They seems cool but internally (like patties), they are hot. Let the food be in normal atmosphere for some time before entering your mouth.

2) Plantar fascitis
What is it- The band of tissue that runs along the arch of your foot is inflamed from hitting the treadmill or pavement.
Stop it- Ease up on the cardio until stabbing pain's edge dulls. If it flares back up, take ibuprofen and ice your heel for 15 to 20 minutes,  area might also help. "Men with this problem often have tight calf muscles and Achilles tendons,"says Dr Arora. Try rolling each foot over the tennis ball for 10 to 15 minutes many times a day.
No improvement- Use a night splint to keep your foot, calf and plantar fascia stretched overnight, reducing the pain.
Prevent it- Don't set the treadmill on an incline position. Running uphills strains the plantar fascia. Find running shoes with strong arch supports that fir your foot's structure to relieve pressure.

3) Heartburn
What is it- Stomach acid spills into your oesophagus, burning like a forest fire.
Stop it-  Reach for an over the acid counter blocker, or chew sugarless gum. A study in the Journal of Dental Research found that chewing gum for 30 minutes after a high-fat meal lessens acid reflux by generating enough saliva to make you swallow more and push acid back down.
No improvement- Your might have gastrooesophageal reflux disease, or GERD in short. Consult your doctor immediately if the problem persists or can leads to oesophageal cancer.
Prevent it- Make stomach acid work against gravity at night by placing two-inch blocks under the legs at the head of your beds says Ted Epperly, MD, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians. If you're a smoker,here's one more reason to quit. "Nicotine relaxes the LES valve, the muscle at the end of the oesophagus, which usually opens only to allow food to pass into the stomach,"says Dr, Smith."Once it's loosened, acid can shoot back into the oesophagus."

4) Hemorrhoids
What is it- The veins in or around your anus are swollen and irritated.
Stop it- Apply a hemorrhoid-shrinking nonprescription ointment ( like preparation H) in the morning, at night, and after each bowel movement. And soak the offending area in a tub filled with several inches of warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, three or four times a day. This can help to decrease the painful swelling.
No improvement- If the pain persists after to weeks, surgery might be the another option.
Prevention- Consume at least 25gm of fiber and drink no less than eight 250ml glasses of water every day.

5) Carpal tunnel syndrome
What is it- A nerve running from your forearm to your wrist squeezed or infalmed within the narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand.
Stop it- Hit the mat. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that twice-weekly yoga regime practices for eight weeks eased symptoms and improved grip strength. You can also wear a wrist splint at night or whole typing or driving. It keeps your wrist neutral, which prevents further compression and irritation of the nerve.
Prevention- Set your keyboard at the height that allows your hand to work in a straight or neutral position. Bending your wrist too far forward or backward can pressure the nerves.

6) Sunburn-
What is it- UV rays inflame skin cells and irritate nerves. Reinforcements-bloogborne repair cells and nutrients-arrive on the scene. Skin temperature rises. Friends remind you of this crazy new invention called sunblock.
Stop it-  To reduce inflammation (in case), take a few ibuprofen and apply a cool, wet cloth. Next, slather yourself with skin cream. Covering the skin with moist ointment can reduce the pain on contact. For extra cooling, place the lotion into freezer for 10 mins approx before applying.
No improvement- Take 900 mg of vitamin A and 15mg of Vit. E every day for two weeks after a toasting. Sunburn creates cell damaging molecules called free radicals resulting increase in inflammation causing more pain. These two vitamins help by scavenging free radicals.
Prevent it- Wear full covered cloths if possible to prevent the skin from Ultraviolet radiation. Read the warning on the label. A whole range of medications, from antibiotics to blood-pressure medications, increase sensitivity to the sun.

7) Tendonitis

What is it- The thick cord that attaches muscle to bone becomes worn, irritated or inflamed, causing pain or range-of-motion limitations at your shoulder, elbow, Achilles tendon or knee. Blame repetitive use, like swinging a tennis racket, or using an incorrect technique, or both.
Stop it- Take a week off from the activity during which time you can dull the pain with a nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drug. ice the tendon for 15 to 20 minutes, two or three times a day, until the pain subsides.
No improvement- See the physical therapist or certified athletic trainer at the earliest.
Prevention- Cross training helps relieve stress on the muscles and tendons involved.

8) Migraine headache
 What is it- Changes in brain chemical activate neuropeptides that invade the brain's covering, resulting in increased blood flow and inflammation. The result is the headache which can last for hours or days.
Stop it- Try a medicine for a mild to moderate migraine. You also need to slow down. People with migraines have hyperexcitable brains, so the're more prone to headaches after experiencing stressors. Laying a pack of frozen peas across the back of your neck for 10 minutes helps.
No improvement- If your condition is severe, talk to your doctor about migraine-specific drugs called triptans, which are very effective when taken in moderation
Prevention- To decipher what trigers migraines, check out here. Add 600mg of magnesium (gradually-too much at once can cause diarrhoea) and 400mg of riboflavin to your daily vitamin intake. In one Neurology study, nearly 60% of people who took riboflavin daily for three months cut their migraine days by at least half.

9) Toothache
What is it- bacteria-filled plaque that settled on your teeth has been feasting away on sugars and other carbs. The acidic by-products ate away at the tooth enamel;the resulting cavity allowed bacteria to invade the tissues and nerves inside, causing an infection.
Stop it- Take a few ibuprofen, and ask your dentist for an antibiotic if you can't see him right away. Although the antibiotic wont cure the toothache, it can reduce the infection in the gum and jaw around the tooth,easing pain. Rinse with warm salt water four to six times throughout the day to ease any swelling.
No improvement- Once a toothache occurs, the only solution is a root canal or having the tooth pulled. It's too late for a filling.
Prevention- Limit your intake of high-carb foods like candy. Every exposure allows an acid attack on the teeth for about 20 minutes. If you must drink soda or sugar-filled drinks,sip through a straw to bypass your teeth. To rid your moth of cavity-causing plaque, brush and floss.

10) Low-back pain
What is it- The muscles are stretched and microscopic tears in the fibres release chemicals that activate nerve endings in the area
Stop it- Take ibuprofen and heat the area for 15 minutes a few times a day. Bed rest leads to stiffness and decreased flexibility, which increase pain. Up your activity as pain eases.
Prevention- Stretch your hamstrings once you warm up. If the hamstrings  are tight, they pull on the small postural muscles of the lower back, causing pain.

- A yoga regime practiced twice a week for eight weeks can ease carpal tunnel syndrome
- University of California researchers report that using a chair with a forward tilting seat prevents neck pain. When 247 workers sat on either a leveled or an angled (15 degrees forward) seat for a month, the latter group reported 65% less neck discomfort.
- Laying a pack of frozen peas across the back of your neck for 10-15 minutes can help ease a migraine.

Consumption of Excess Salt is FataL

We know that from salt we get adequate amount of sodium which helps us in bone development majorly. Salty foods are not only tasty but without salt, most of us are not habitual to have food. But, too much concentration of salt in blood can be fatal too. The main diseases which originate from more salt consumption are hypertension, type 2 diabetes.
Report of WHO and FAO shows that a person needs to consume less than 5 gm of sodium chloride ( or 2 gm or sodium ) per day. Report also says, salt in blood
entering by foods can affect the state of blood pressure. The less one consumes the salt, the less probability of getting risk of diseases like stroke, coronary heart disease. A gram of sodium chloride means 393.4 mg of sodium. We are getting salts by various means or foods like vegetables, fruits so better go for health than taste and its better not to take junk or fast foods like french fries which contains more salt then our body needs.
According to American Health Department, 23 thousand in New york and 8 lakhs in whole US dies from ailments like stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack. 3gms per day of salt consumption is okay.
Another research done by Calgary University, medicine, pharmacology therapeutics and community health science, found that excess amount of salt in blood can also invite clinical obesity. Mr. Norm Campbell (professor of the department) mentioned that over consumption can also leads  to stone formation in kidney, osteoporosis, gastric, cancer. Therefore, to complete the iodine a normal body requires, we should check the level of salt in our foods because excess salt is fatal indeed.

Cow's Ghee save from cancer

                     Cow's GHEE SAVES  FROM CANCER
Ghee of cow has always been known to be pure  from ancient Hindu philosophy so it has been the unavoidable content to use in many rituals of Hindus. And this has been verified by a recent research done by scientists.
Research was done in India's National dairy association. This research found out that the ghee of cow can decrease the probability of Intestine cancer as well as Breast cancer. Dr. B.K Cansal (Biochemistry head of the department) has done this research with his two associates for 6 years. He found out that, the ghee also diminishes the rapid speed of cancer spreading cells to develop further.
Dr. Cansal and team gave DMH drug (which develops cancer) to two different groups of rats. One group was given the soybean oil and another was given the ghee of cow equally on a daily basis. The team found out that the speed of cancer developing cells differ in two groups.
The speed of cancer spreading for rats which were given soybean oil was recorded as 65.4% while the speed for group  with cow's ghee was recorded as 26.6% which was half. The tumor also found to be small in size for this group.

Health Insurance for better living

We all know that, there is nothing important and necessary but being healthy. If we are healthy from mind and body we can achieve whatever we like. But due to many vulnerabilities, we get ill. When we became ill, we just take medicines and treat to make us fit and fine, this is the normal process.
But, healthcare is not that easy. We, do insurance of our life, vehicles, home etc etc but hadn't time to think about our health. So, to assure self for better living, insurance of health is also an important action as like investing in other insurance.
There are various company launched for health insurance which can help you to recover if you suffer from simple to severe or chronic illness and even if you need to go for expensive surgery...
Please visit here for insuring your health online.


Cancer (medicine), new growth of tissue resulting from a continuous proliferation of abnormal cells that have the ability to invade and destroy other tissues.Cancer, which may arise from any type of cell and in any body tissue, is not a single disease but a large number of diseases classified according to the tissue and type of cell of origin. Several hundred such classes exist, constituting three major subtypes: The first, sarcomas, arise from connective and supportive tissue, such as bone, cartilage, nerve, blood vessels, muscle, and fat. The second, carcinomas, which include the most frequently occurring forms of human cancer, arise from epithelial tissue, such as the skin and the lining of the body cavities and organs, and glandular tissue, such as that of the breast and prostate. Carcinomas with a flaky structure resembling skin are termed squamous-cell carcinomas. Those that resemble glandular tissue are called adenocarcinomas. The third subtype, leukemias and lymphomas, include the cancers that involve blood-forming tissue and are typified by the enlargement of the lymph nodes, the invasion of the spleen and bone marrow, and the overproduction of immature white blood cells.

Many people are now successfully treated for cancer. For example, it is estimated that, out of more than 5 million Americans who have had cancer, 3 million have survived more than five years, and nearly all the survivors can be regarded as cured. The modern approach to cancer treatment also includes an emphasis on the patient’s quality of life—both physical and mental.

There are many forms of cancer where the chances of survival are many times better than they were just a few years ago. Developments in the field of children’s cancers are perhaps the most encouraging. For instance, 90 per cent of children recover from Hodgkin’s disease, whereas 30 years ago only about half survived. Other forms of cancer, such as non-Hodgkin’s disease, some leukaemias, and testicular cancer, can be successfully treated, as can certain forms of non-invasive bladder cancer, which, if detected early, can be contained over a period of several years.

The death rate from cancer has fallen progressively in people under 50, probably because healthier habits and environment have reduced prolonged exposure to carcinogens. Earlier diagnosis, which is absolutely vital in all cases, and improved treatments are also involved. This drop is expected to extend to older age groups as these younger people age.

Decreases in the number of smokers in some countries are starting to have an impact on the cancer figures. For instance, in the United Kingdom the number of deaths from lung cancer in men has finally started to decline. Unfortunately, the number of women dying from it is still going up; Scottish women have the highest rate of death from lung cancer in the world.

The overall risk of death from cancer has increased over the past 30 years. This is because cancer is mainly a disease of older age and, as greater success is achieved at preventing early deaths from other illnesses such as heart disease, more people are living long enough to reach an age where their cancer risk increases.
Cancer is the leading cause of death in adults in the United Kingdom and the second leading cause of death in adults in the rest of the Western world. In the United Kingdom in 2002 it was responsible for 155,180 deaths; it is also one of the leading causes of death from disease in children between the ages of 1 and 14. However, despite this, it is still rare in young people. In the United Kingdom cancer affects about 1 in 650 children.

The age-adjusted death rate per 100,000 population from all cancers in males is 246.5 in Hungary (one of the highest), as compared to 83.5 in Mexico (one of the lowest). For women, it is 139.8 in Denmark and 62.3 in Mauritius. The rates for England and Wales are 179.2 for males and 125.7 for females; in the United States, the rate is 164.4 for men and 110.6 for women. For particular cancers, the difference between countries may be as high as 40-fold. Evidence from studies of populations that have migrated from one geographical area to another suggests that these variations are due to differences in lifestyle rather than ethnic origin. This is consistent with other evidence that most cancers are predominately related to environmental causes rather than heredity, although the two may interact.

The cancers that cause the most deaths in Europe and the United States are those of the lung, bowel (colorectal), breast, prostate, and stomach. Together they account for about half of cancer deaths. These are also the most common types of cancer along with skin cancer. Skin cancer is the first or second most common cancer in many Western countries such as the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Fortunately, with the exception of malignant melanoma (the rarest and most serious form), skin cancers are rarely fatal.
In some people, however, there are also inherited gene defects that can give a potential cancerous cell a head start. Genes are made of deoxyribonulceic acid (DNA—the cell’s chemical “instruction manual”—see Nucleic Acids) and are found in the centre of the cell in structures known as chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and over 50,000 genes. If a chromosome is likened to a book, each gene is a paragraph; a fault in a gene may be likened to a misprint.
Every time a cell divides a copy is made of the DNA. Sometimes an error occurs and a new cell ends up with an altered gene—a mutation. If the mutation occurs in a gene that normally controls cell growth, that cell may acquire the potential to become a cancer cell.

A cancerous growth, or neoplasm, is therefore clonal—that is, all its cells are descendants of a single cell. These cells have escaped the control of the normal forces regulating cellular growth. Resembling embryonic cells, they are unable to differentiate or mature into an adult, functioning state. As these cells multiply, they may form a mass known as a tumor, which enlarges and continues to grow without regard to the function of the tissue of origin.

The body has ways of fighting back against mutations and a number of faults has to accumulate before a tumour develops. This can take a long time, which is why cancer is mainly a disease of older people; for instance, 95 per cent of bowel cancers occur in those over 50.
Almost all cancers form tumours, but not all tumours are cancerous, or malignant; the greatest number are benign (not threatening to health). Benign tumours are characterized by entirely localized growth and are usually separated from neighbouring tissue by a surrounding capsule. Benign tumours generally grow slowly, and in structure closely resemble the tissue of origin. In some instances they may endanger the patient by obstructing, compressing, or displacing neighbouring structures, as in the brain. A few benign tumours, such as polyps of the colon, may be precancerous.

The most significant attribute of malignant tumours is their ability to spread beyond the site of origin. Cancer may invade neighbouring tissues by direct extension or infiltration, or it may disseminate to distant sites, forming secondary growths known as metastases. The routes and sites of metastases vary with different primary cancers:

(1) When a cancer extends through the surface of the organ of origin into a cavity, cells may break away from the surface and become implanted on the surface of adjacent organs.

(2) Tumour cells may migrate into the lymphatic channels and be carried to the draining lymph nodes, or they may penetrate the blood vessels. Once in the bloodstream, the tumour cells are carried to the point at which the vessels become too small for the large tumour cells to pass. Cells from tumours of the gastrointestinal tract will be stopped in the liver. Later they may go on to the lungs. Cells from all other tumours will go to the lungs before being carried to other organs. The lungs and liver are therefore common sites of metastases.

(3) Many cancers tend to shed cells into the bloodstream early in their course. Most of these cells die in the bloodstream, but some lodge against the surface and penetrate the wall into the tissue. A few may find themselves in a favourable tissue in which they are able to survive and grow into a tumour. Others may divide only a few times, forming a small nest of cells that then remain dormant (a micrometastasis). They may remain dormant for many years, only to begin to grow again as recurrent cancer, for reasons unknown.

Cancer cells, even when widely disseminated, may retain the physical and biological characteristics of their tissue of origin. Thus, a pathologist can often determine the site of origin of metastatic tumours by microscopic examination of the cancerous tissue. Identification of tumours of the endocrine glands, for example, is simplified because they may produce excessive amounts of the hormone that is produced by the parent tissue. Such tumours may also respond to administration of the hormones that normally control that tissue.

In general, the less closely a cancer resembles its tissue of origin, the more malignant and rapidly invasive it tends to be; however, the rate of growth of a cancer depends not only on cellular type and the degree of differentiation from the tissue of origin, but also on various host factors. A characteristic of malignancy is tumour-cell heterogeneity. Because of the abnormalities of proliferation in tumour cells, they are more susceptible to mutation. With time, a tumour tends to become less differentiated and to grow more rapidly. It may also develop increased resistance to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Abnormal Cells and Cancer-
Cancerous cells usually become far different from the tissue from which they arise. The tumour pictured here, an ovarian teratoma, bears no resemblance to the normal tissue of the ovary. Tumours like these contain such foreign material as bone, hair, skin, or teeth.
There are various types of CANCER, but for now i am going to discuss of LUNG CANCER...
Well what is lung cancer then?
Cancer of the lung, like all cancers, results from an abnormality in the body’s basic unit of life, the cell. Normally, the body maintains a system of checks and balances on cell growth so that cells divide to produce new cells only when needed. Disruption of this system of checks and balances on cell growth results in an uncontrolled division and proliferation of cells that eventually forms a mass known as a tumor.
Tumors can be benign or malignant; when we speak of "cancer" we refer to those tumors that are considered malignant. Benign tumors can usually be removed and do not spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, grow aggressively and invade other tissues of the body, allowing entry of tumor cells into the bloodstream or lymphatic system which spread the tumor to other sites in the body. This process of spread is termed metastasis; the areas of tumor growth at these distant sites are called metastases. Since lung cancer tends to spread, or metastasize, very early in its course, it is a very life-threatening cancer and one of the most difficult cancers to treat. While lung cancer can spread to any organ in the body, certain organs – particularly the adrenal glands, liver, brain, and bone - are the most common sites for lung cancer metastasis.
The lung is also a very common site for metastasis from tumors in other parts of the body. Tumor metastases are made up of the same type of cells as the original, or primary, tumor. For example, if prostrate cancer spreads via the bloodstream to the lungs, it is metastatic prostate cancer in the lung and is called lung cancer.
Picture of Lung Cancer

The principal function of the lungs is the exchange of gases between the air we breathe and the blood. Through the lung, carbon dioxide is removed from the body and oxygen from inspired air enters the bloodstream. The right lung has three lobes while the left lung is divided into two lobes and a small structure called the lingula that is the equivalent of the middle lobe. The major airways entering the lungs are the bronchi, which arise from the trachea. The bronchi branch into progressively smaller airways called bronchioles that end in tiny sacs known as alveoli, where gas exchange occurs. The lungs and chest wall are covered with a thin layer of tissue called the pleura.
Lung cancers can arise in any part of the lung. Ninety to 95% of cancers of the lung are thought to arise from the epithelial, or lining cells of the larger and smaller airways (bronchi and bronchioles); for this reason lung cancers are sometimes called bronchogenic carcinomas. Cancers can also arise from the pleura (the thin layer of tissue that surrounds the lungs), called mesotheliomas, or rarely from supporting tissues within the lungs, for example, blood vessels.

Surprising Superfoods

BEER, which is mostly 90% oat and some percentage of alcohol, all of us might have tasted and some of us might be addicted to it.Mostly, beer, wine, or simply alcohol beverages are termed to be anti-social which not only destroys the health but can even damage the whole life of an individual if taken excessively. But whatever be the reason for this, recent research suggests that moderate drinkers are fitter mentally, out-scoring teetotalers on verbal and mathematical reasoning and on short-term memory tests. Physically, they have lower chances of being suffered from heart attack , strokes and gallstones. Beer's essential ingredients, hops, also contain stress-beating compounds and digestion stimulants. But excessive drinking increases the risk of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver, not to mention obesity and impotence- a rather sobering prospect.

Comparatively BEER is better than Orange Juice (45 calories/100 gm) where beer is 39 cals/100 gm. Soy milk ( 55mg sodium/100gm) Beer (4mg sodium/100gm). Chamomile tea (1mcg folate/100gm) Beer (6mcg folate/100gm)

Eyes Eyes Eyes

There are various important organ in our human architecture, one of them is our EYES. Its proved that two-thirds of information stored in the brain has been conveyed through vision as opposed to other senses like smell, taste and hearing. We just can't imagine how suffering our life can be if we lose this organ. We just see the world with our eyes. Most of the perception comes from vision. So, we must give attention to our eyes especially in this era when majority of people are engaged in computers or simple computer screen.

 If we spend more than a few hours in computer, we may suffer from computer vision syndrome and yes its been given a technical label. Commonly the symptoms are eye strain, eye fatigue, dry eyes, blur vision, eyes burning, insensitivity to light, headaches etc. All these problems can lead from insufficient tear flow to the eyes, too much glare and reflection from the monitor. When looking at a computer screen you tend to blink 2 to 3 times less than normal , which causes your eyes to rebel. Using lubricating eye drops or tear replacements (Genteal, Moisol) can provide relief.

This is the condition of eyes in which the cornea is not sufficiently moistened, it is not easily diagnosed. Contact lens wearers, excessive computer users, post menopausal women and people with arthritis are sufferers. There is no exactly known care for this, but one can alleviate it with artificial tear drops. But one can prevent this condition by drinking plenty of water or fluids, avoid drafts from radiators and air conditioners, protect eyes from windy, dust,dirt environment.

This is described as the chronic inflammation of the oil glands of the eyelids. Its painless lumps sits close to the eyelid margin, usually in the upper lid. To remove this, hot compresses is useful or need to visit ophthalmologist for quick procedure.


This condition in eye is an inflammation of the thin transparent mucous membranes that cover the whites of the eye and doubles back to line the eyelids. Conjunctivitis are of two types--allergic and infectious, which can be bacterial or viral (pink eye)- both causes eyes to water, itch, feel gritty, swell and emit watery discharge. Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by cosmetics, dust, dirt, smoke, strong shampoo, contact lens and can be treated with simple anti allergy drops ( like Andre eye drops) while bacterial conjunctivitis responds remarkably to antibiotics ointment or drops such as soframycin or gentamycin. To prevent this, the major action is to always keep the eyes clean, don't expose to direct dust and dirty environment . If you use contact lens, make sure its cleaned and do not use too much eye cosmetics which can cause infection.

                                 TIPS FOR SAVING SIGHT
- Blink regularly, to cleanse and lubricate your eyes. The frequency should be 5-6 times every hour, without frowning, or using facial or forehead muscles.
- Keep changing your focus often, do not gaze continuously on the computer or TV screen or book.
- Make sure you have an anti-reflective coating on your lenses which helps cut down glare and improve your ability to see at night.
- Splash and clean your eyes with cold water regularly before work and after work.
- Do not rub eyes instead use soft cloth.
- Nourish your eyes with natural sunlight, Face the early morning sun with close eyes for five seconds. Then cover them with your palms for 5 more seconds. Repeat this procedure 10-15 times. Short periods of light and dark stimulates the muscles (ciliary muscle), relaxes the visual system and reduces the sensitivity to glare and light. Breathing deeply while doing this is a plus point.
- Protect eyes against lethal ultraviolet rays by using sunglasses which gives 100% protection.

                                     SIGHT ENHANCING FOODS
Foods which are the source of Lutein and Xeanthin  protects against Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), by forming the macula, which sharpens the visual images. Leafy vegetables and egg yolks are rich in lutein and xeanthin. All you need is a teaspoonful with a smidgeon of fat to up your blood lutein by nearly 90%.
Carrots contain carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A by the liver. As we all know how much important and necessary, vitamin A is for our eyes. Vitamin A protects the eye by helping to absorb the light energy that passes into it. Increased levels allow your eyes to absorb more energy and help you to see more efficiently, specially in the dark which is also another reason it bypass night blindness. Good sources, besides carrots, are mangoes, cabbage, cod liver oil, fish (esp. salmon having omega 3 fatty acid), milk and eggs. Blue and purple berries contain a group of compounds called anthocynosides, which attach themselves straight to the rods of the retina, that are responsible for adjusting the eye to see in the dark.

Social problems for BPAD patients

BPAD or Bipolar Disorder is the kind of mental malady which can shortly be said as mood disorder due to swinging. Till now, there is no proper reason of what specific cause of this mental disorder but it has been proved that, electrical impulses in the polar of  brain changes rapidly due to this disease. Diseases which affects our body doesn't not necessarily have that impact in the society which a mental malady has.
Mad, Lunatic, Insane, Mentally ill, Psycho are some of the terms which our society has named to this illness instead of helping the needy. No one wants to be like this, and we should know this is as like other disease which can be controlled if not cured totally.
As the name suggests, Bipolar disorder is the condition where the patient experience various episodes of depression and mania at the same time. Initially in the starting phase, one goes to the state of depression where suicidal tendencies are common and it can convert anytime in maniac phase or simply euphoric. Depression and mania are totally opposite in terms and in real also. This severe mood swing in brain leads to Bipolar Disorder. When in medications or in treatment, the patient can be cured and his mood can be reverted to previous state by medicines like lithium carbonate (lithoril or lithosun), sodium valporate (valprite) etc. These medications actually stabilize the mood of patient making it in one condition.
Apart from these medications, the patient needs love, care, respects and co-operation from family members and society as well. With medications, the patient must be given positive counselling course so as to live normal life as before. Anyone can be suffered by this ailment. So, we must change our attitude regarding mental diseases and contribute as much as we can to decrease the percentage.

Plastic Tips for Health

1) Check recycling numbers; avoid #3, #6 and #7 if you can.
 The number in the triangle on the bottom of plastic containers often provides clues. BPA usually falls into the #7 or "other" category. Though not all #7 contains BPA, if it is hard, clear plastic #7, it may. Other recycling numbers: #3 (polyvinyl chloride) and #6 (plystyrene). Best for use is #1 and #2

2) Toss out reusable clear, hard plastic water bottles,
uless they can verify that they are BPA-free. Disposable plastic bottles are safe #1 plastic, but they are nevertheless good for environment. Try stainless steel water bottles instead.

3) For microwaving, use glass or glass-ceramic that's lead-free
Don't use plastics to microwave food, even if its marked "microwave safe". CorningWare is an example of glass-ceramic microwave.

4) Don't cover food with plastic wrap when microwaving
In place of this, use a glass cover, hard plastic cover, paper towel or wax paper.

5) Wash Plastic Containers by hand
This should be done to avoid high heat and detergent in dishwashers.

6) Throw out old plastic containers
Using the same old plastic container can negatively effect the health especially of infants so its better to grabage it.

7) Use fresh or frozen foods instead of canned
This is the must to avoid the BPA-containing plastic resin that lines cans. A recent study has found that canned soup had the highest BPA concentrations

8) Buy the utensils especially cups, plates, bottles which are marked "BPA-free"
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